
And we’re live…

Erwan James, September 25, 2020


Well here we are… a couple of networking nerds who thought they needed a place to voice their opinions and share some knowledge (hopefully)…

Bruce and I (Erwan) have known each other for a few years. We met through work and more recently, since my move to the Bay Area, have become pretty good friends. Turns out we like a lot of the same stuff, but mostly we like to “discuss” (argue) about a wide range of topics relating to networking. We’re happy to disagree on stuff and on occasion even agree – but we like the discussion the most and we’d love to get more opinions on what we have to say, so here we are!

We also happen to both spend a fair amount of time researching, learning, deploying, designing and playing with a bunch of networking related technologies. So why not start writing and talking about some of these topics in more detail, get deeper into some of the cool stuff we do in the networking space? Expect some deep dive blog posts from ntwr.kn.

Along with this written form of discussion and knowledge sharing, we’re also launching a podcast so you can listen to us blabber on about networking. We’re starting out with a series called ‘Expedited Forwarding’, where we’ll discuss some of the latest networking news. We hope to soon have a name and some content for our deep dive sessions… but until then have a listen to Expedited Forwarding.

Still reading? Good lord…I’m sorry… er glad you’ve made it this far… guess we should tell you a little about ourselves.

Hi, I’m Erwan – I’ve been working in the networking industry for ~10 years now, started out in support, then design/architecture, and now in technical pre-sales working for a vendor. Speaking of vendor… I guess we need to be clear on something, the opinions expressed here are our own and not that of our employer (you had to know this statement was coming right?!). Turns out, you can separate work from play and have your very own opinion on things which aren’t representative of your employer’s. Seriously. We’ll do our best to keep ntwr.kn bias free – we just want this to be about cool networking stuff. Enough about that, back to me… I like long walks on the beach, oh and racing cars – that’s my main hobby – I’m a car guy.

My turn! Hey everyone, I’m Bruce. I’ve been working in the networking industry for longer than Erwan (humble brag), I cut my teeth on networking in support in New Zealand, before moving to the land of the free ~5 years ago (the United States for you commies out there). I spend my days pondering which new interface we’re going to create after SNMP->NETCONF->RESTCONF->gNMI, and debating the intricacies of system and network architecture with people much smarter than myself. I also work for a vendor, love debating technology, and enjoy sand-free strolls on well-paved sidewalks. I’m a photography and videography fan, but I’m as amateur as they come, and my ambitions absolutely get ahead of my skills.

Let’s dig in.

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